Prayer building earns Guinness World Record

BAGUIO CITY  - A 12.19m high building painted like stone tablets containing the biblical Ten Commandments has earned for the summer capital a Guinness World Record, thanks to a businesswoman who also funded the unveiling of a giant Philippine flag here earlier this year.

Grace Galindez-Gupana seems to have a penchant for setting world records. Her company claims she now holds seven records, including being the creator of the biggest national flag and organiser of the biggest clinical sessions for diabetics and cholesterol watchers.

Ms Gupana, chief executive officer of ABS Gen Herbs International Corp, turned over to the city government a 5.5 million pesos (S$162,000) A-shaped 'prayer building' featuring the Ten Commandments in July.

Ms Gupana commissioned contractors in March to design and rush work on the structure located within the Diplomat Hotel compound, said Rafael Talokoy, executive secretary of Baguio Mayor Mauricio Domogan.

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