Blind man sets aerobatic world record‎

Blind man sets aerobatic world record‎,

A blind daredevil set an aerobatics world record for the most consecutive formation loops yesterday.

Mike Newman has pledged to make it a triple crown - by breaking the world blind land speed record on the road and in the water

The bank manager carried out the first of 26 consecutive loops before his co-pilot Myles Garland took over the controls.

Their Blades aircraft was joined by three others flying in formation with them as they broke the record at Sywell Aerodrome in Northamptonshire yesterday.

The four EA-300 LPs reached a height of 2,000ft at the top of the loops and the pilots experienced 3.5g during the manoeuvres.

Mr Newman, a married father-of-two- said: 'It was brilliant, I could have happily stayed up there until tea time.

'We usually do our records on the ground but this was such a different experience and a wonderful experience.

closely with the RAF Association Wings Appeal, which supports RAF service personnel.

After notching up the air title, Mr Newman is hoping to complete a triple crown of world records on land, sea and in the air.

He is hoping to wrestle back his blind land speed record by driving a supercar at over 200mph next year.

His record was taken away from him last year by Turkish driver Metin Senturk who drove a Ferrari F430 unaccompanied at 182mph.

He is also planning to try and beat the current Blind Water Speed Record of 99.19mph using a Silverline F1 Powerboat.

Both attempts, planned for the next 12 months, would see Mr Newman become the first blind person to hold world speed records for air, land, and water.

However, yesterday he was toasting his blind flying world record.
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