James Field - Bungee Jump Guinness World Record in London

A new Guinness World Record has been completed for bungee jumping. Bungee jumping has become a common recreation and is normally associated under the heading as a rush sport or an adrenalin sport, which basically means a sport that will get your pulse rate pumping to its limits.
James Field photo, James Field jumping video, Bungee Jump Guinness World Record 2010, James Field Guinness Record 2011, Bungee Jumping Guinness World Record in London, highest Bungee Jump Guinness World Record, Bungee Jumping Guinness Record in UK
James Field broke the world record of 19 jumps in one hour by performing a staggering 42 jumps in the allotted sixty minutes. Field completed the record yesterday in London close to Tower Bridge.

Health and safety was the number one priority for the world record attempt. After each and every jump the bungee rope was replaced with a new one and there were several assistants that checked and double checked all the equipment.

Field said that he felt a little bit dizzy after completing the new record. This is no surprise as he jumped from a platform 50 meters from the ground. He said that he had to concentrate his mind on the task as he threw himself of the platform, the task was made more challenging due to the windy weather.

He then went on to say that it was harder then he had expected and it required him to get into a rhythm and control his breathing. He also said that he thought that he had done his quota of jumps for the remainder of the year. So don’t expect to see him throwing himself from any other tall structures for some time to come.
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