World's Most Luxurious Armoured Car - Knight XV bulletproof Car 2010

 World's Most Luxurious Armoured Car  Knight XV Photo

It can withstand a barrage of bullets, features its own entertainment system and bar and is so big it dwarfs a Hummer.

The Knight XV - dubbed the world's most luxurious armoured vehicle - is the new mode of transport for people wanting to combine security and comfort.

At 20ft in length, the imposing car stands at more than three feet longer than a Hummer and is a whole foot wider.

The company behind the cars is experiencing a surge in sales, despite the price tag of £323,000 - which can rise to £660,000 after upgrades.

William Maizlin, president of Canadian makers Conquest Vehicles, said: 'We believe we have created an entirely new niche in the bespoke luxury armored vehicle marketplace with the Knight XV.'

'What's amazing is that despite the economy, we are seeing a surge in sales.

'This is due to the unique offering of our product coupled with the fact that there are no other vehicles on the market today that offer the security, luxury and performance in a bespoke vehicle like that of the Knight XV.

'Our goal is to offer as many new, cutting-edge and top-of-the-line luxury and security options as possible.'

          World's Most Luxurious Armoured Car  Knight XV Picture

Inside, the car is kitted out with a 26-inch, custom built LCD TV screen, an X-Box 360 or Playstation games console and even its own bar.

It also has a special system that allows passengers to speak to people outside the car without opening a window or door.

For security, the vehicle's exterior is plated with ballistic-tested steel and aluminium body armour which can withstand a barrage of bullets.

And glass between the driver and the passengers seats will 'defeat' a high-powered Magnum 44 pistol.

Conquest Vehicles has produced a ballistics testing video showcasing how the KNIGHT XV’s body armor and glass is laboratory tested by H.P. White Laboratory Inc., an independent ballistic testing laboratory.


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