World’s largest human smiley face set World Record - Baltimore’s tourism agency

World’s largest human smiley face set Guinness World Record by Baltimore’s tourism agency

Baltimore’s tourism agency, Visit Baltimore plans to release a $500,000 marketing campaign on Thursday, with the catchphrase “Find Your Happy Place in Baltimore.” The campaign’s goal is to attract residents of nearby states.

The agency will attempt to set a Guinness World Record by having 250 people come together to create the world’s largest human smiley face! This will be part of the campaign’s debut. If the group is able to set the record they plan to release 19 dozen butterflies into the air.

Sam Rogers, Chief Marketing Officer, says that people are in search for happiness and simple pleasures in the current climate. “Has the economy got you in a slump?” reads one of the web spots.

Last year, Baltimore was one of just five states that saw an increase in tourism. A report released Tuesday by the Maryland Office of Tourism shows the state had 29 million visitors in 2009, a 3.5 percent increase from 2008.

Leisure trips were up by 5.2 percent, while business trips displayed a decrease of 1.5 percent in 2009. With its new campaign, Baltimore is likely to see another in tourism for 2010.

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