World's biggest Easter bunny - World's biggest rabbit

World's biggest Easter bunny ૨૦૧૨ - World's biggest rabbit

 Meet the world's biggest Easter bunny, Darius the enormous Continental Giant, who weighs a whopping three-and-a-half stone and is 4ft 4in.

Darius, aged three, munches through an incredible 12 carrots a day to keep up his strength and fuel his amazing growth spurt.

He already held the title of world's biggest rabbit but has now smashed his own record after vets measured him a month ago and realised he had had grown another inch.

The 60-year-old, who also holds the Guinness World Record for Oldest Page Three Model, said: 'He is from a dynasty of giant rabbits and now he's smashed his own record and fittingly his birthday falls on April 8 - so he really is the Beast-er Bunny.

'He was officially measured by the vets last month and it's now been confirmed he's even bigger than before.

Ms Edwards, who splashed out £10k on surgery and diets to turn herself into a real-life Jessica Rabbit, said she was stunned by Darius who just kept growing.

She said: 'I think it's nice that the record is being kept in the family.

'Obviously his mum Amy died a couple of years ago and that was upsetting, but I think she would like to know her son had taken the record.

'People ask me what my secret is, but there really isn't one other than just treating them well and really looking after them.

A spokesman from Guinness World Records said: 'This is the biggest bunny in the world.

'Darius is bigger than all the previous record holding rabbits.

'It's unbelievable that a rabbit could grow to over 4ft long.'

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