Aisha Al Hamoudi - UAE's shortest woman

Aisha Al Hamoudi - UAE's shortest woman

She might be just 88cm tall, but Emirati policewoman Aisha Al Hamoudi has huge dreams and an even bigger heart. Suchitra Bajpai Chaudhary meets her

The current world record for being the world's shortest living woman is held by 18-year-old Jyoti Amge of Nagpur, India, who measures just 62.7cm (24.7 inches).

Aisha has applied to the Guinness World Records to be listed as the world's shortest policewoman. The world's shortest living man is Nepal's Chandra Bahadur Dangi measuring 54.6cm (21.5 inches).

Every morning, Aisha Ahmad Mohammad Al Hamoudi rises at 6am, offers prayers and gets ready for the office. By 7am she is on her way to work - the Al Bidiya Police Station in Fujairah - in the family car driven by her father Ahmad Al Hamoudi, a retired policeman.

Nothing extraordinary about this humdrum routine, except that the young woman in question stands just 88 centimetres tall, the average size of a three-year-old girl, and tips the scales at just 20kg.

"I accepted what God gave me with a smile because I think the Almighty has a plan for everyone. If he made me this height, he had plans to look after me," says Aisha, 31.

The eldest of seven siblings, Aisha realised she would never grow beyond this height as a child after a doctor diagnosed growth hormone deficiency. She is the only one among her brothers and sisters with this condition, caused by a lack of growth hormone produced by her pituitary gland.

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