There, 24,435 Leuva Patel couples (48,870 people) set the record for the most number of handshakes in an event, at one of the biggest congregations of their politically influential and cash-rich community.
A Guinness Book official, Lucia, who was present at the village, announced that this was the first event in the world where "most number of people shook hands simultaneously".
As many as 21,000 couples today took part in the foundation stone-laying ceremony of a temple at Kagvad in the district, creating a unique world record. The proposed temple at Kagvad, about 75 km from here, is of Maa Khodiyar, the deity of the Leuva Patel community.
A five-member team from the Guinness Book of World Records was present to witness the ceremony in which 21,000 couples took part. Lakhs of community members from across the country were also present, said Naresh Patel, president of Khodal Dham Trust, which is building the temple.
Several political leaders belonging to the community, including former Gujarat Chief Minister Keshubhai Patel, state revenue minister Anandiben Patel and Congress MP Vitthal Radadiya attended the event.