Grimsby electrician Dave Clixby is new world record for abdominal planking

Grimsby electrician Dave Clixby is new world record for abdominal planking.

A Grimsby electrician has powered his way into the record books – as the current world champion of planking.

Dave Clixby completed a world record-breaking 37 minutes 40 seconds in the abdominal plank position, held up by his elbows and toes.

Sporting his distinctive large beard, which he is growing for Help For Heroes, he reached his ultimate feat before shoppers at Freshney Place, Grimsby.

He added a gruelling four minutes and 40 seconds on to the previous world record of 33 minutes, which was set by 68-year-old Australian Paul Drinan earlier this year.

Planking, which is an isometric core strength exercise, involves participants maintaining a difficult position for extended periods of time. David opted for the front plank, whereby his body weight was borne on his forearms, elbows and toes.

The father-of-three, of Marshall Avenue, Grimsby, said the thoughts of all the troops serving in Afghanistan had spurred him on.

As well as scores of shoppers cheering him on, his children Callum, 15, twin daughters Ella and Libbie, 12, and wife Julie were on hand.

It was Julie who gave him the spark for the idea – she attends a legs, bums and tums class.

Dave, 43, said: "I was determined to do it. Fear is a tremendous motivation. I knew I could get to 25 minutes, having practised in the back room at home, but I wanted to push on through past the record. It was nervous energy and adrenalin that got me though.

"I'm absolutely ecstatic. Those last few minutes were absolutely excruciating, but I tried to focus my mind on something else.

"It was also great to get all the sponsorship from local firms and the people who came to watch. It took a lot of energy."

A diet of fresh Grimsby fish, pasta and chicken helped build up Dave's strength.

He hopes to add about £1,000 in sponsorship to the £3,000 raised by beard growing, along with his mate Richard Wall, as reported.

Donations of £100 from an anonymous donor at Freshney Place and £20 from a serviceman have also boosted the appeal.

David chose Help For Heroes, as Corporal Lee Fox – son of the landlady of The County Hotel in Brighowgate, Grimsby – and David's cousin, Nick Pullen, have served in Afghanistan.

Evidence of his amazing feat will be sent in a video to The Guinness Book Of World Records thanks to his friend Bob Barford.

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