As many as 26 children of Swaroopa Adhyayana Kendra will be taking part in a programme being held on December 15 at Bangalore, where they will be presenting before the Limca team the profoundness of their memory power.
The programme will be attended by chief minister D V Sadananda Gowda and stalwarts like Chandrashekhara Kambara, Anantamurthy, and Prof G Venkatasubbaiah. Gopadkar, director of Swaroopa, said that the dignitaries will watch a programme on alternative methods of teaching to be presented by the centre on this occasion.
Gopadkar was addressing a press conference held after a demonstration of the talents of his students held at the Kendra in Kodialbail in the city on Wednesday November 2.
Gopadkar strongly believes in releasing the children from the chains of traditional methods of education. He says that the traits of the children will blossom tremendously if they are allowed to realise their potentials and enjoy their education process.
As a prelude to the said initiative, a programme, ‘Guinness World Records – Fascinating Memory Power’ will be presented at Town Hall here at 5 pm on November 7.On this occasion, website of Swaroopa, and CD will be released, he added.
The centre uses songs from popular movies to teach theorems and other things to students, and sign language to memorise numbers. Terming the present system of education as ‘Bonsai Education’, Gopadkar said that the talents of students are confined to six subjects in this method. He said that the personality of students can expand by leaps and bounds if they given freedom from books. He felt that imposing of education on the minds of children is the gravest offence happening in the country, and scoffed at the education system that is meant to earn certificates.
He said that his study centre takes into account the artistic nature, memory power, emotional strength, etc of the students while teaching them, and that guidance is provided to the students on singing and speaking. “The main aim of the centre is to make the children realize that they learn things for themselves,” he explained.