World's tallest Ravana effigy in Haryana’s Ambala set Limca Book of record

World's tallest Ravana effigy in Haryana’s Ambala set Limca Book of world record

Shri Ram Lila Club Barara claimed that world tallest effigy of demon king Ravana has been set ablaze at this suburb 25 kilo meters from Ambala. Founder of the club, Tejinder Singh Chauhan has informed that an effigy of a 185 feet record height has been raised this year which has found mention into the Limca Book of world records.

Brara village in Haryana’s Ambala district is in the Limca Book of Records for having erected the tallest effigy of demon-king Ravana at 175 feet in 2009. This time, as the effigy went up in smoke to mark Dusshera, it stood 10 feet taller at 185 feet.

The Ravana effigy, which took a few months to make at a cost of up to Rs.4 lakh, was loaded with several quintals of fireworks.

The effigy is erected with the efforts of a village club comprising of local youth and some philanthropists.

The village, 60 km from Chandigarh on the Ambala-Jagadhri highway, had first shot into fame in 2006 after it erected a 150-foot-tall Ravana.

“Artisans come specially from Uttar Pradesh to make the tallest Ravana. Simply making it stand requires several cranes and is a difficult job. But we are happy that our efforts have paid off and people like it,” village Ramlila committee president and philanthropist Tejinder Singh said.

Hundreds of people from nearby villages and towns throng to the village to catch a glimpse of one of the tallest Ravanas in the country.

“The Ravana is so tall. It must have taken so much of effort and planning. Seeing it going up in smoke was really amazing. This also proves that evil may become as big or tall but it has to finish one day,” village youth Surender said.

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