Macarena dance Guinness World Record 2011

Macarena dance Guinness World Record 2011
A Guinness World Record has been broken by more than 2,000 school children in the city doing the macarena dance for over five minutes.

Eggbuckland Community College hosted the world record-breaking attempt, beating the current record of 1,861 children in a school in Canada in November 2010.

Macarena dance picture, Macarena dance video, Macarena dance Guinness World Record 2011, dance World Record 2011

Now, subject to independent verification, the 2,226 children who took part are the new record breakers.

Along with staff and students of Eggbuckland Community College, other primary schools that took part were Austin Farm Primary School, Compton Primary School, Eggbuckland Vale Primary School, Manadon Vale Primary School, St Edwards Primary School and Widey Court Primary School.

The idea was created by a 16-year old student at Eggbuckland Community College, Daniel Phillips, who is in Year 11.

Daniel is a member of the student leadership team and he made the proposal which went on to be presented to school governors.

The student leadership team then talked to the local community and the idea became a reality.

Along with students, teachers and parents, also present were city councillors Ian and Lynda Bowyer, the Army, Clockwork Audio, Fobeyfitness and the Rotary Club.

The time keeper, Leon Pinch, was also keeping track of how long the macarena was going on for.

Not only were Eggbuckland breaking world records, right after the macarena the school sports day started.

Rachel Towers, Assistant Principle of Eggbuckland Community College, said:

"We're all on such a high here. This day is something the students will always remember.

"Daniel is an exceptional young man who has been supported by an exceptional team of young people.

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