A barber hopes the 526 haircuts he completed in 24 hours has beaten the world record.
Nabi Salehi, 29, finished the attempt at 1000 BST on Saturday, surpassing the official Guinness World Record of 241.
Mr Salehi of Putney, south London, did the cuts for free but raised £2,344 from donations for the nearby Royal Hospital For Neuro-disability.
He will now have to submit evidence to Guinness World Records for it to ratify the record.
Sore fingers
The criteria for the record attempt, meant people having the cuts had to have hair at least 1cm long to start with, and there had to be a noticeable difference in the appearance of those who came in with long hair.
Mr Salehi of A&N Style salon, said: "My fingers and hands are sore and I'm only just about standing but I'm pleased with the record and with the money I've raised - it's a great local charity."
The record attempt was filmed for the whole 24 hours and had several independent witnesses.
This evidence along with the names of the people who had the haircuts, will be sent to Guinness World Records.