Chana lives with his family in a 100-room, four-story house the family named 'Chhuan That Run' or the House of the New Generation. The house is located in Baktawng village, in the Indian state of Mizoram, and is completely operated by the family without any state support.
According to the Sun,"It has its own school, a playground, carpentry workshops, piggery and poultry farms, paddy fields - and a vegetable garden big enough to feed the entire extended family."
Chana states, "We don't want any help from the government," according to the World Records Academy.
"Today I feel like God's special child," said Chana. "He's given me so many people to look after, I consider myself a lucky man to be the husband of 39 women and head of the largest family."
According to a news report in the Sun, Chana is the hereditary leader of the Chana sect, a group that believes that one day they will rule the world through Christ.
In an effort to continue his legacy Chana states, "To expand my sect, I am willing to go even to the US to marry."
World's biggest family world record - Ziona Chana largest family Video.