The US housewife has defied amazing odds by giving birth to three babies with extraor-dinary dates of birth. Barbara, of Michigan, became a proud mum for the third time with the arrival of Cearra Nicole on Sunday, October 10, 2010 (10/10/10).

Despite the neat pattern of their children's birthdays, Barbara and her husband Chad, 33, insist it was never planned that way.
Cearra arrived almost a month prematurely when Barbara developed clots in both legs and doctors decided that the baby had to be induced. And the arrival of Cameron came two weeks early last year. She said: "He wasn't a planned baby at all, he was a miracle. He was due on September 20."
Barbara says she and Chad are not tempted to aim for another birth on November 11 next year.
She laughed: "Three is plenty - we don't have any more planned.