Sri Lanka - World's largest cup of tea set Guinness Record by Viva energizes

World's largest cup of tea set Guinness World Record 2011 by Viva energizes.
World's largest cup of tea 2011, Viva energizes Guinness world Record 2010, Sri Lanka largest cup of tea photo, largest tea cup picture, largest teacup in the world, Biggest tea cup in the world, Viva energizes biggest cup 2010

Sri Lanka, known for being one the world's leading tea manufacturers, just broke a world record - the largest cup of tea. A cup that serves about 32,000 people. After brewing for hours in 44 gallon containers, the tea was poured into a large, red, tin cup. The tea was driven around and served to locals Sri Lanka's capital, Colombo, after a representative from Guinness World Records certified the feat.

We at NewsFeed have the recipe in case you wanted to try to break the record: about 1000 gallons of water, 141 lbs of tea, 1900 lbs of powdered milk, and 400 lbs of sugar.

The previous world record was held by a health center in Fort Scott, Kansas, which held about 3000 litres of tea.

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