The invite only birthday party will include two members from the Guinness Book of World Records, who will present Breuning with a copy of the latest edition of the famous book.
“What Walter has achieved by reaching the age of 114 is no small feat,” said Robert Young, Senior Consultant for Gerontology, Guinness World Records. “Walter officially became the Oldest Man in the World on July 18, 2009, and the fact that he has held this record for over a year is amazing. The 2011 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records is the first edition that recognizes Walter’s accomplishment, and I’m so pleased to personally present him with a copy today.”
According to Market Watch, The Guinness Book of World Records has celebrated 72 women who have reached the age of 114. Breuning is only the 6th male to reach 114.
Eugenie Blanchard of the French island of Saint Barthelemy is the world’s oldest person, beating Breuning by just 6 months.
Breuning was born in 1896, and in his 114 years of earth he has gathered this bit of wisdom.
“Be good to everybody, be kind to everybody, and help other people,” Breuning said. “The more you do for other people, the better you are going to help yourself. Every day is a good day and make it that way.”
Happy Birthday Walter Breuning.