Department of Forest and Environment, Government of Gujarat, Gujarat Pollution Control Board and the NGO Society for Environment Protection have jointly chalked out a programme to celebrate Swarnim Gujarat Prakruti Utsav aiming to launch the Harit Paryavaran Mitra (Green- Ambassador) campaign from 26th July at Sanskar-Kendra Paldi, Ahmedabad. Celebrations would begin with the launching of Sapling Plantation drives, it has prepared a detail programme, as part of it on 27th they would take out a cycle-rally, on 27th the unique Go-Green and Stop at Red-Light Traffic Awareness campaign, an exhibition is also to be held highlighting the advantages of Green-Technologies -promoting Solar Energy Gadgets water-conservation awareness and appropriate techniques of Waste-Disposals, on 30th Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation would launch a Pilot Project. A national seminar on Green Building is to be held on 31st July. Massive plantation drive and Green-Ambassador campaign is aimed to promote the idea of one-person one-tree campaign. Industrial houses, NGOs and associations are devoting hearty contributions.
Today on 31st of July 2010, the city of Ahmedabad is going to attempt to break a Guinness book record for plantation of maximum trees in a day. The target is plantation of whopping seven lakh trees at as many as 400 places across the city and outskirts. Existing record holder the city of Islamabad the capital of Pakistan is thus challenged by Ahmedabad.

A video recording or photo documentation will be made at the places Where more than 1000 trees are planted. This exercise is part of Guinness book requirements.
The joint exercise of planting maximum number of trees in a day has been organized by Gujarat’s Forest department, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, AUDA, various schools, number of organizations, NSS, NCC cadets, industrial houses, government employees, semi-government employees, various associations, NGOs, environment lovers and the citizen of Ahmedabad.
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has set up a helpline number 32984555 for anyone who wants to volunteer in this event. The helpline will run for seven days upto 7 August between 8 am to 9 pm.
Wolrd's Highest trees plantation video 2010 - Ahmedabad, India