Octopus Prediction Video - FIFA World Cup 2010

Fifa World Cup 2010, South Africa, Fifa World Cup Final Predication, Octopus Predication picture, octopus photo, Octopus Predication video
Paul, the octopus has guessed all of Germany’s games during this year’s finals. Following his rise to celebrity status, he was asked to predict FIFA’s World Cup 2010 final match too. The final game between Holland and Spain will be held on Sunday the 11th of July, kick is scheduled for 19:30 BST.

During this World Cup in South Africa, the octopus was predicting only Germany games. Pail guessed all games, including the loss of Germany against Serbia and Spain and the wins against England and Argentina. So people wanted a final effort and asked who will win the FIFA World Cup 2010 final in South Africa and Paul replied.

The octopus prediction for the final: Spain will be crowned world champions!
It’s the first time Paul made a prediction which is not related to Germany matches, will find out on Sunday of he’s right again on this one too. As regarding Germany’s last game against Uruguay, the octopus predicted a win for Germany. What if he guesses these results correctly too? We’re sure we will hear much more about the octopus then!

Octopus Prediction Video


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