Hatice Kocaman - Turkish Woman Claims to be Worlds Smallest Person Guinness Record

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Hatice Kocaman - Turkish Woman Claims to be Worlds Smallest Person Guinness world Record 2010.

Guinness World Records officials have come to Turkey to evaluate a woman’s claim to be the world’s smallest person – an assertion that could make the country home to both the tallest and smallest record holders.

Record adjudicator Kelly Garrett traveled to the Kadirli district of the Mediterranean province of Osmaniye after hearing about Turkish newspapers’ reports on local resident Hatice Kocaman, 21, who is just 72.5 centimeters tall and weighs only seven kilograms.

Garrett and Emin Görgün, the Turkey brand manager for Guinness World Records, visited Kocaman and her parents, İbrahim and Hatun Kocaman, initiating the process of registering her claim.

Görgün said many applications are made to Guinness World Records and that they are all evaluated carefully.

The “world’s smallest person” record previously belonged to He Pingping from China, who was 74.61 centimeters tall when he died in March at the age of 21. Before his death, he appeared at events in Turkey with Sultan Köse, the Turkish man who is the tallest person in the world at two meters, 46.5 centimeters tall.

Kocaman, who cannot grow further due to a bone disorder, said it would be great to be in Guinness World Records and that she wants everyone to know her and talk about her.

Kadirli district official Orhan Aktürk, who hosted the Guinness officials, said he supports Kocaman and her family.

Hatice Kocaman - Worlds Smallest Woman 2010 Video
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