World's Ugliest Dog - Miss Ellie has died at 17

                                       Miss Ellie Photo
Miss Ellie, who won Animal Planet's "World's Ugliest Dog Contest" in June of 2009 has passed away.

Ellie was a Chinese Crested Hairless dog who had a career in show business in the Smoky Mountains (at the Comedy Barn in Pigeon Forge).

Chinese Crested dogs are funny-looking to start with, but Miss Ellie was particularly homely. She was of that "so ugly she's cute" variety of animal that seems to occur in all creatures save humans. Miss Ellie, who was about 15 at the time of her win, only had a couple of back teeth (which is why her tongue hung out the side of her mouth -- nothing to keep it in!), cataracts in both her eyes, several moles, pimples and limited hair (see article about win at Mail Online).

She'd been rescued from a poor life inside a cage to become a local celebrity. It's wonderful that the poor dog had at least a couple good years getting the attention she deserved. It's somewhat of a shame, though, that she only had 2 years. Dogs kept in small cages under less than ideal conditions seldom have long lives, but 17 is rather respectable for any dog, especially for a dog whose lifespan is supposed to be 10-12 years (according to the Dog Breed Info Center).

The Sonoma Marin Fair holds an Ugly Dog contest every year, and people come from all around to compete. This year's fair will be held June 25 in Petaluma, California. If you'd like to help pick the next World's Ugliest dog, go to the Sonoma Fair Ugly Dog Contest website and vote.

                                    Miss Ellie Picture
A quick look around show some especially ugly dogs this year. It just really goes to show that it doesn't matter how ugly, there is someone who will love them! Here are some of the contestants from previous years:

Miss Ellie - World's Ugliest Dog" contest in 2010 World Record Video


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