World's Biggest Beef Burger set Guinness World Record 2010 - Canada

                                        World's Biggest Beef Burger Picture

TORONTO - A Canadian barbecue chef is taking a very big bite out of the record books by grilling what could be the world's biggest burger.

Ted Reader set a sizzling new mark by creating a hamburger in Toronto that tips the scales at 268 kilograms.

That would make mincemeat of the previous Guinness World Record of 84 kilograms.

However, Reader says they still have to wait for Guinness to give them the official nod that they've claimed the biggest burger crown.

The award-winning chef used a specially designed grill with a built-in forklift mechanism designed to flip the oversized culinary creation.

Individuals and organizations were invited to place a bid on the burger, with proceeds from the event benefiting Camp Bucko, a camp program for children with burn injuries.

World's Biggest Beef Burger set Guinness World Record 2010 Video
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