World’s Biggest House of Cards set World Record - Bryan Berg

he Venetian Casino in Macau, which is the world’s largest casino, is now rather fittingly home to the world’s largest house of cards, after architect Bryan Berg broke his own world record and constructed a replica of the Venetian out of cards.

The Venetian replica, which is 34 feet tall and weighs 42 stone, is housed inside the casino resort and, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is “the largest house of free-standing playing cards” ever recorded.

The project took Berg 44 days to complete and uses 218,792 cards, or 4051 card decks. No sticky tape, glue or any other forms of adhesive were used during the project and Berg admitted that the casino replica nearly collapsed seven times during the construction process.

Berg suggested that just like real buildings, his house of cards required planning and accuracy, noting that “it’s really like a real construction project because you have to engineer every single adjacency and every support that's supporting everything above”.

World’s Biggest House of Cards Video

Berg told reporters that he “drew inspiration” for the mini Macau casino from his card-playing grandfather.

Source : - casinoonline

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