Bridgette Allen set new volleyball World Record

A local father-daughter duo recently combined their competitive spirit with their passion for volleyball to help set a new Guinness World Record for most consecutive volleyball passes.

Craig and Bridgette Allen participated last month, as the Triangle Volleyball Club hosted the record attempt in conjunction with the Mid-Atlantic Power League tournament in Raleigh. Bridgette is a four-year member of the Triangle team, which Craig describes as the elite volleyball club in Raleigh.

The new record of 110 successful passes beat the previous record of 92 set in Germany in 2006. (A first attempt at breaking the old record was halted at 17 with an errant pass.)

The record is for consecutive forearm passes over the net with a different person making each pass. Triangle Volleyball Club donated $1 for every registered participant in the attempt to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund to aid the victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti.

Participants included student-athletes, coaches and parents.

"They let old codgers like myself do it," Craig, a former player, said.

"It was a big adrenaline rush, especially taking it from the Germans," Bridgette added. "Doing it with Dad, it was funny not having ever seen him play."

Volleyball has always been a family affair for the Allens, who live near the Embro community. Craig has been involved for many years as both a player and a coach, he and wife Denise have coached together, and Bridgette followed in big sister Tiffany's footsteps.

When Tiffany, now a college student, took an interest in playing, both her parents coached, and as Tiffany moved up through age groups, Bridgette starting taking an interest.

Craig said that Bridgette, at around age 8, wanted to be team manager for her sister's team, which consisted of 15 year olds. The team was short on players, and Craig gave in to his younger daughter's request.

"We had seven players and really needed one more. (Bridgette) convinced me to let her suit up and be there just in case," he said.

Bridgette would slap her foot on the floor and slouch down in her chair because she wanted to play, Craig said, and during a regional tournament in Greensboro she got her chance when another player was benched.

Source: vancnews


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