At eleven years old Victor ‘Lil Poison’ de Leon holds the Guinness world record for being the youngest professional gamer in the world. But one world record just isn’t enough for this little guy. In just a few days ‘Lil Poison’ will attempt to break the record for the highest win margin in a five minute game for Madden NFL 2010. He will also be taking on other professional gamers in one-on-one challenges.
An official from Guinness World Records will be on hand at the event to monitor the record attempt and conduct interviews. If he is successful, de Leon will be awarded his second Guinness World Record certificate.
The event is being held Thursday, January 21, between the hours of 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM. It will take place in the GameStop at the intersection of Broadway and 14th Street, New York City. Let’s hear it for Victor ‘Lil Poison’ de Leon. After all, it would be a shame to see him miss a day of school, just to go home empty-handed.