World's largest ice cream cake Guinness World Record by Dairy Queen

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World's largest ice cream cake Guinness World Record by Dairy Queen

Hundreds of people turned out today in Toronto to witness the construction of the world's largest ice cream cake.

Guinness World Records was on hand at Dundas Square as the 10,130.35-kilogram cake was created.

A forklift brought pallets of vanilla ice cream into the square as 22 workers from Dairy Queen built and iced the cake.

The cake was solid ice cream in the centre, with 90 kilograms of sponge cake on the outside and 136 kilograms of icing and crushed Oreos on top.

The previous record was an 8,000-kilogram cake in Beijing, a record that stood for five years.

Maple Leafs general manager Brian Burke shared a few spoonfuls of the cake with 12-year-old Madison Blenkinsop, a patient ambassador from Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children who declared the cake yummy.

Canadian curler Cheryl Bernard says she had two helpings of the cake at the charity event which also marked the 30th anniversary of Dairy Queen's ice cream.
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