Ab India Todega Guinness World Records with biggest scissors, nail beds, pulling truck and cocktail flares

India breaks and creates Guinness World Records with biggest scissors, nail beds, pulling truck, cocktail flares and body parts

On 26th March episode of “Guinness World Records – Ab India Todega,” saw Indians creating an breaking world records with biggest scissors, pulling heavy truck, juggling flares and moving hands in opposite directions.

The show began with display of 7 feet 7 inches scissors by Neerja Roy Chaudhry from Meerut.

Then Pankaj Kamble from Mumbai and Sachin Gowda from Karnataka, two bartenders broke a world record from UK. The record is for juggling most number of flares above shoulders by a team of two in one minute. The UK record was 74 and the Indian duo broke the record with 79 flares.

Most Layered bed of Nails Sandwich breaks and creates Guinness World Record 2011 by
Vispi Baji Kasad’s team.

Vispi Baji Kasad’s team of five from Gujarat broke a UK record. UK has the record for 4 layers of nail bed sandwich for 10 seconds. Vispi’s team broke the record with 5 layers of nail sandwich and they held the sandwich in excess of 20 seconds.

Rupesh Raj from Baroda says that he can move 6 body parts in opposite directions. He created a record for most number of opposite rotation of hands in a minute. He rotated it 217 times.

Heavy vehicle pulled by hair breaks and creates Guinness World Record 2011 by Rani Raikwar.

Brahmakumar Rani Raikwar from Jhalkon in UP beat the men in the category of heavy vehicle pulled by hair. For womens category, the record to be broken was 3500 Kgs. For men, the record to be broken was 8280 KG. Rani broke the record by pulling 8835.5 KG truck.
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