Most sit-ups in one hour by 37 crunches attempt world record by Hectorville man's

 Hectorville man's world record, Most sit-ups in one hour world record, Vladimir Jurcik photo, Vladimir Jurcik  picture, sit ups world record

HECTORVILLE’S Vladimir Jurcik appears to have broken the world record for the most sit-ups in one hour by 37 crunches.

The 60 year old pushed through 2238 sit ups during the hour without stopping, in front of a crowd of about 200 people on Rundle Mall today (April 1).

Mr Jurcik surpassed the previous record of 2201 but is waiting on official confirmation from Guiness World Records.

“I feel excited because I can give people inspiration to do what I do,” Mr Jurcik said.

Read the East Torrens Messenger next week to find out why he wanted to break the world record.
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