Shivani Suraiya - Tanzanian youth breaks world record in bookmarks collection

Shivani Suraiya photo, Shivani Suraiya world record, Shivani Suraiya bookmarks collection record, world's largest bookmarks collection, bookmarks collection Guinness world record

Sixteen-year-old Shivani Suraiya is expecting to join in the Guinness Book of Records this year after collecting 120,000 bookmarks for a period of three years.

The bookmark carrys peace and love messages and also encourages young people to have a culture of reading books.

This is not the first time Shivani is trying to break into the book of records. Last year, she had her name in the LIMCA book by making the world's largest keyholder that is 18 ft long and 15 kgs in weight.

The keyholder was locally displayed at the Dar es Salaam Lions Club to symbolize peace and unity.

According to her, LIMCA awards are Indian awards equivalent to the Guinness Book of Records.

Speaking in an interview, Shivani said she is very touched with problems people face in the world, especially the less privileged. She said for that reason, she decided to use her God-given talent to preach peace and unity to the world.

“I am touched with the problems which many people face in this world. It is my hope that, using my God-given talent, I can preach love and harmony to many people and at the same time, help less privileged people in the society,” she said.

Shivani has written four books to her credit, and the money from her first book titled ‘The Magnificent Fruits,’ which was written between 2006/007 and sold over 1,000 copies, was used to purchase two stretchers and four wheelchairs for Ocean Road Cancer Institute (ORCI).

Asked about how she felt after donating to the ORCI, Shivani said she felt good and satisfied that she had achieved one of her dreams.
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